Zhuang Zhou


I am a Master degree candidate at Zhejiang University, and a member of USSLab (Ubiquitous System Security Laboratory) led by Prof. Wenyuan Xu. I received my undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2016. My research areas are the security and privacy of wireless communication and IoT devices.

  Curriculum Vitae


Data Mining on Novels of Keigo Higashino
-Designed and programmed web crawler to collect related information for each novel in Quora, Douban and Zhihu.
-Utilized Baidu API and Jie-ba for Word Segmentation and word frequency count with python script.
-Applied the TF-IDF and LSI model to compare the similarity among the novels.
The Design of a High Speed and Inaudible Communication System
-Discovered and utilized the linearity of MEMS microphone to received ultrasound for communication.
-Used FDM modulation mechanism and dynamic gain control technology to implement the whole system on the mobile.
-Achieved the 16.24kHz transmission rate which is currently the highest speed for inaudible sound wave communication.
Study of Fake Base Station Forensics
-Designed a FBS forensics framework utilizing radio frequency (RF) fingerprints to solve the FBS forensics conundrum.
-Modeled the RF fingerprint from the tiny variance of the signal traces and construct features in 51 dimensions.
-Utilized popular machine learning algorithm for identification and choose SVM for the final implementation.
Study of Mobile Communication Systems Securities
-Employed OpenBTS and USRP, combined OsmocomBB open source projects, built a fake BTS system, designed an Android app to monitor fake BTS attack from a mobile.
-Used Android Studio to develop the monitoring program of the fake BTS system for cellphones.
-Simulated and tested fake BTS attacks to online-payment systems based on SMS 2FA, improving 2FA mechanism.


Zhou Zhuang, Xiaoyu Ji, Taimin Zhuang, Juchuan Zhang, Wenyuan Xu, Zhenhua Li, Yunhao Liu et al. FBSleuth: Fake Base Station Forensics via Radio Frequency Fingerprinting. ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2018
Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Liang, X., Zhuang, Zhou., & Xu, W. (2017, May). Cyber attacks in cyber-physical power systems: A case study with GPRS-based SCADA systems. In Control And Decision Conference (CCDC), 2017 29th Chinese (pp. 6847-6852). IEEE.
Le Tian, Mini Wu, Zhou Zhuang, Qinfen Lu “Analysis and Design of a Linear Oscillatory Motor with moving magnet”, Journal of Mechanical& Electrical Engineering 2015.

Honors & Awards

IET Present Around The World Competition China Region Campus Finalist Award(2018)
Infineon Scholarship(2017)
Award of Honor for Graduate(2017)
Graduate of Merit/Triple A graduate(2017)
G20 Hangzhou Summit Outstanding Volunteer Award(2017)
Excellent Graduate of Zhejiang Province(2016)
ChuKochen Honors College Dean scholarship(2016)
Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)(2015)
First-class academic scholarship for Undergraduate Students at ZJU(2015)
First-class outstanding student scholarship for Undergraduate Students at ZJU(2015)
Second-class academic scholarship for Undergraduate Students at ZJU(2013&2014)
Second-class outstanding student scholarship for Undergraduate Students at ZJU(2013&2014)
Honors Excellent Students of Zhejiang University(2013&2014&2015)


Overseas Programs Team Leader
-Participated in program organization, managed task assignment and scheduling of the team in UC Davis and NUS.
ChuKochen Honors College Student Union Vice President
-Led a team (over 30 people) in organizing academic lectures and workshops.
-Trained members in service and communication skills, led in seeking and providing consultancy for potential members.
-Cooperated with companies for funding.
-Ran the student union official website and journalism.